FAA Test Banks
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FAA Practical Test Preparation
Checkride Oral Exam Prep

Our GroundSchool written test prep software is good stuff. It'll help you pass your FAA knowledge test with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of learning.

After the written test, however, there's still one big hurdle before you get that certificate or rating - that is, the FAA Practical Test - otherwise known as a checkride. For the checkride, you're going to have to know a lot of the same stuff that you learned for the written test, sure. However, the examiner is also likely to ask you a more broad and nuanced set of questions.

Fortunately, you need not fear the examiner. We've got software to help you prepare for your FAA Practical Test as well. Our RideReady series of checkride oral exam preps feature hundreds if not thousands of questions based on real checkrides. You may have seen those little checkride "oral exam" prep books that are sold here and there. RideReady has much more content than those, so you'll really be ready. Also, most RideReady titles allow you to specify which aircraft you will be training in - RideReady has a question bank pertinent to a large number of common training aircraft. RideReady is available for airplane, helicopter, and much more.

Like GroundSchool, RideReady is a free download.

Please visit the RideReady home page or Dauntless Software to give it a try.

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